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May 5, 2022我们属于土地,土地也属于我们。我们热爱这片土地上的所有飞禽走兽。我们与它们同饮水、共呼吸。我们和它们都是自然的一部分。只要相信这点,我们心中就会永远有伟大的和平并对天地所生长的万物抱有善意。
April 30, 2022在家门口,从床上醒来。
May 30, 2021本以为只是走过一段桥,却没成想将它走成了一段路。
May 11, 2021昨晚梦见自己正遇上一个坎。在一个下坡路上飞快地骑着自行车,前方突然没路了,有一条并不太宽也不太低的水沟挡在前面,并且水沟的那侧还是一个荆棘丛。这个坎让我一时难以跨过。
May 6, 2021从魔窟中逃跑,敌人全部出动,派出搜寻工具老鼠、猎狗、大象来追,为躲避猎狗敏锐的嗅觉,扎进深水沟里。大象群将深水埠搅了个天翻地覆,借机潜伏进进大象眼睛里躲避搜查。
May 3, 2021五一去大连参加婚礼,买的往返机票回的无锡机场,2号回无锡就在当地订了个宾馆住了一晚。下午一两点到宾馆办理了入住,不知道什么原因,在宾馆里感觉不舒服,没什么力气。三四点左右就躺在床上了,睡醒起来天黑了。起来还是不是很舒服,吐了一次,吐后感觉舒服了一些。
April 28, 2021看蒋勋讲人生最重要的是懂得如何做出选择。虽说只有十几分钟的视频,但想到此时自己正在苏州拙政园附近的一个小宾馆里,下一步仍唯有着落,尽将这段yt上的视频反复看了几遍。
April 26, 2021傍晚,在苏州山塘街入口处的桥头上。倚着栏杆,吹着初夏的风,听着街头艺人唱着歌。看着人来人往的游客与行人,有些一看就是带着家人一起过来玩的。
April 13, 2021建工厂做好制造业,尔后进军服务业。
August 4, 2020做了一个非常甜蜜的梦,梦到了初恋。刚进大学作为大一新生参加学校一个活动认识的一个学姐,很漂亮很温柔的一个女孩。洁白整齐的牙齿,笑起来还有酒窝。
Warriors in Cryptology All Over The World
June 8, 2020USA 1. UPenn
What I Ate In This Seven Days' Vacation
October 7, 2019Not surprisingly, no delicacies - without enough funds adding have no idea how to cook them. So bought some beefsteaks and chicken wings as the source of mea...
Two Days' Vacation Time in Dalian
September 15, 2019This short vacation began for an idea coming into my mind in a hard-to-sleep night.
What Would Be The Happiest Thing in Life?
September 7, 2019Today, I Looked through a slide about SoftBank’s Next 30 Years Vision downloaded nearly one year ago. A viewpoint in which touched me a lot - what would be t...
Drinked A Bottle of Germany Beer
August 31, 2019昨晚回来比较早,就弄了点吃的。因为一直在追的美剧刚好也今天更新,就想着边吃边看。
Sharing a Great Melody
August 27, 2019The Ecstasy of Gold - Main Theme of The Good, The Bad and the Ugly.
Summary of This Week
July 29, 2019上周主要是徒步和出差这两件事想记录下来。
Best Countries to Travel Alone
July 22, 2019Best countries to travel alone.
Godfather Orchestra
May 21, 2019Godfather BGMs and scenes deserving to be memorize
Game of Thrones Orchestra
May 20, 2019As the final episode ends, I would like to share some GoT orchestras with you to cherish the memory of it.
begin to share something
May 18, 2019Well. In the case of thoughtful ideas in my mind, I would like to express them out by some means. Github as a world-known community, is the first one coming ...
Mann Coffee Again
March 17, 2019打造代代传承的精神食粮
Mann Coffee
March 10, 2019坐在我旁边看起来像是一对母女 母亲差不多60多岁,拿着一本书看了一下午 女儿似乎有30岁,用笔记本像是在工作